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jueves, 29 de diciembre de 2016

Mei empieza a estudiar en la Universidad

Mei, una de las chicas que Udutama está becando junto con la compañera y ex-voluntaria Imma, ha empezado a estudiar este curso el grado de Inglés en la Universidad de Chiang Rai.

Aquí nos envía un breve texto redactado por ella misma en inglés. Sin duda está aprendiendo muy rápidamente. También os mostramos las fotos que nos ha enviado (en todas ellas Mei es la chica que aparece en la izquierda).

"Hello! Teacher Imma, Xavier and everyone who's I don't call you names. I hope everyone is fine and doing well. For my part, I am very happy to write this report and sent you again. I always feel excited when I had sent you my report because you can see how improve about my English. And this is a good way for learning English and how to writing. I want to told you about my study first. I will finish the first-term of study soon. I have final examination at the beginning of December and then I have short vacation. I want to get a good grade I don't know I will or not, but I will do my best. It's only 4 months that I have been studying in University, but think I have learned a lot. I have new experience from my teachers, my friends and new social that I never knew before. I trying to apply for scholarships. I had already applied in University, but I didn't get it. Maybe because there are a lot of students. If I want to apply again I have to wait until next year. Now I apply for scholarship in foundation and I have to wait for them until next year. Maybe in June they'll connect me again. I don't know that I will get it or not,but I hope I will get it and I think it will help me a lot if I get it. Lastly, I want to thank you teacher Imma, Xavier  and everyone who's is always helping me and give me encouragement to carry on. When I was give up and tired, I always think about my future , family and all of you. Thank you so much. "

Os recordamos que necesitamos más fondos para seguir becando a estas chicas, cuyos estudios les permitirán encontrar un trabajo digno, prácticamente la única alternativa a no caer en el mundo de la prostitución, donde acaba un gran porcentaje de chicas de su mismo entorno socio económico y cultural. Podéis donar en nuestra web. Muchas gracias !

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